A Series of Hypothetical Questions (or,
The Lesson of Icarus)
What is the opposite of agoraphobia?
Is it that feeling in your chest
when you feel too much?
As if your heart
cannot be contained by your ribcage?
Gasping for air
in a room that is filled with it?
What is the opposite of acrophobia?
Is it that tightness in your muscles
when you clench your fists so hard
that you start to bleed
and the rivulets run down your arms
to land in the dirt
beneath you?
What is the opposite of hubris?
Is it the knowledge
that you will never be enough?
Watching everyone outpace you
in the game of life?
Always the apprentice,
never the master?
What if you could get just a taste
of everything you ever wanted,
but to do so would mean
your death?
Would you do it?
Would you put on those wings
and fly?
Or would you stay,
your feet on the earth,
your heart already buried?
Covered in dust,
but safe.
Would you choose to fly
even if you knew you would fall?