They called me a wolf, and ain't that just the thing. Fancy slang for the world's oldest profession. What do I care, they're just boys playing at being men. Killers pretending to be civilized. They call this an empire, but it's just a sand box for them to play in.
Which is not to say that I don't respect those women who are part of the world's oldest profession. I'm all for women having choice over their bodies, their lives. It's just not my choice, it never was. But these upstarts come in and think they know me, think they know who I am. Pfft. I am older than their gods. I am older than the gods they stole to make their gods. I'm even older than the parents of those gods. But unlike the overthrown, I kept my throne, my crown. I might be a wolf, yes, but I'm also a mother. I'm the mother.
These boys don't know what a wolf is. They think it's all teeth and claws and death. They think the same thing of their own eagle. Well I've been and eagle and I've been a wolf and I can tell you, it's more than that. It's survival. It's having young and keeping them fed. It's finding a den, building a nest, protecting your territory. It's pack.
So go ahead, call me wolf. Call me Lupa, call me Acca Larentia, call me whatever you please. I know who I am and so do those women. They see the women as bodies and pleasure, the boys in their sandbox. We wolves know better, we recognize each other. If I am the mother, and don't doubt that I am, then they are the sisters, the aunts, the nannies. They are support to each other and I to them. They know what wolves are all about.
This land is my territory and I am it's creator, it's protector. The eagle flies and one day it will fly away. The wolves will travel, as they are wont to do, following their prey, their little boys playing at life. But I will stay here. I will guard this land until it falls into the sea and even more then I will become a fish and guard the waves. I am your mother, and mother of those that came before you. So go ahead, call me wolf.